Admissions FAQ
Admission to our hospital is carefully orchestrated through our admissions department. We take steps to ensure that all patient needs will be met and a smooth transition occurs.
You will need the following items with you upon admission day:
- Insurance cards so that we can copy and verify the accuracy of our information for correct billing
- Any important papers such as a Health Care Directive Power of Attorney (POA) Living Will so that we can make a copy and include with your Medical Record in the event we need to follow your directive.
- A photo identification and proof of your current address so that we can verify and support the protection of your identity.
- Copy of any financial Advance Directive such as a Durable Power of Attorney for Financial decisions during the admission process we will ask you to identify one to six contact people. This person will be the individual contacted for discharge planning in the event of any change in condition or if you are unable to give consent for special procedures. In an effort to protect the privacy of our patients we will only give out patient information to the designated contact person. Please help us by letting other family members and friends know who the contact person is.
What will I need in order to complete the registration process for admission to CVSH?
What Personal Items Should I Bring?
- Clothing — Although we will provide patient gowns you may bring a robe and slippers. You may be asked to bring in your own clothes when approaching discharge or working with the Therapy staff. When away from your bed you are expected to wear a bathrobe and appropriate foot coverings. Due to the hazard of falling on slippery surfaces patients are not allowed to be out of bed in their stocking feet.
- Personal Items — Please limit what you bring to the hospital to clothing and personal care items. If there is an item that you feel will make your stay more comfortable please discuss this need with the charge nurse.
- Spending money — We suggest that you keep no more than $5.00 in your room for small purchases. We are not responsible for lost money or other valuables brought into patient rooms.
- Eyeglasses and dentures – please store these items in a safe place when not in use. The nurse will provide you with a special dentures box. Please do not wrap your eyeglasses or dentures in a tissue or leave them on your meal tray. The hospital cannot be responsible for lost eyeglasses or dentures. If you lose something please notify your nurse or case manager for assistance. Found articles are maintained for 30 days.
What Items Should I Leave at Home?
- Irreplaceable items of personal significance or of great monetary value.
- Drugs and Medication – Please do not bring any drugs vitamins or herbal supplements to the hospital. If your physician writes an order for you to bring in home medications the nurse will discuss this with you.
Due to the very real risk of medical identity theft, we take precautions to help protect your medical information. This includes requiring our admissions staff to request that you show photo identification at the point of admission or at the point of your first visit. Please be understanding of our staff when they ask you for ID, as it is part of the process to help protect your medical identity. You should also be proactive in guarding and protecting your insurance card number, Medicare number and Social Security number.